Monday, October 31, 2011

"When I saw that he had no helmet understood that there was nothing to do"

"When I saw that he had no helmet understood that there was nothing to do"

The Italian rider Valentino Rossi (c) accelerates the bike's Italian MotoGP rider Marco Simoncelli, during the funeral in the church of Coro, in the Italian province of Rimini, on October 27, 2011. EFE / Pasquale Bove
Fretti Kate, daughter of a security guard in the town of Bergamo and a Filipina, was six days ago in Sepang (Malaysia). He had come there directly from the Philippines, where with his mother (Girlie Magbitang) had gone to visit her grandmother. Overflowed illusion.

And for good reason: her boyfriend, 24-year pilot Marco Simoncelli, was convinced that the win was that race Motoclismo Grand Prix. However in the second lap, in Turn 11 of the circuit, "Supersic" affectionate nickname biker lost control of his Honda. He slipped, fell and the helmet came out of the head.

The American rider Colin Edwards could not keep charge, and neither got Valentino Rossi. Death almost immediately.

Kate saw everything from the box in which was the race. And he began to mourn inconsolably. His picture with his face covered with tears has been around the world.

"I knew I had to do"

"When I saw the hull had not realized that there was nothing to do. But I prayed and went through my head the words of his chief technician, had told him: Do not give up ever. He hoped that he, too, then the was listening, but it was not, "said Kate on Tuesday at Matrix, an Italian television program in which the mother also spoke Simoncelli.

That same day the young man had returned to Italy in the same plane carrying the coffin of the pilot. "I spoke with Kate a few hours after the tragedy. I was shattered and endlessly repeated that it was not true, that the damned accident had not happened," he reveals his father.

History of a crush
Fretti Kate, who turns 23 in December, with SuperSic ennoviada was five. They met in 2006 in Riccione, a town on the riviera romganola call (off the coast of the Emilia Romagna) Coriano very close to the town where the family lives of Simoncelli.

They say that the spark between Kate and that kid-loving wild mop of jet was immediate. Simoncelli was not yet famous, had not yet become SuperSic. It was just a young man trying to break into the world of motociclimo and so far had not been very lucky that he failed to record any important victory.

But maybe that, that were known before Simoncelli leap to fame, helped establish a relationship that since its inception became very formal tone. "Their relationship soon became serious. Marco was presented shortly to meet Kate in our house to meet the family. I wanted a lot," recalled a few days ago Murizio Fretti, the father of Kate.

Kate lived quite far from SuperSic: Bagnatica, a town in Lombardy near Bergamo. About 365 miles separating it from Coriano, the place where he lived Simoncelli. However, the pilot used to go often to visit her at the wheel of his BMW M3, which by the way he liked acelerdor tread.

"You can not say it was slow," recalls the girl's father told the newspaper L'Eco di Bergamo. In the pilot Bagnatica liked going to throw a football games at the bar La Rocca, owned by an uncle of Kate and where sporting a shirt signed by the pilot.

Together in love and work
Kate had worked in the past as an employee of an agency. But he had left. And a couple of years ago came with Simoncelli. "My daughter was all over the world, almost worked for him. I was glad of his life and love," says the father of the young widow.

Kate dealt specifically with the online image of your partner and, in particular its official website, completely renovated in the last year. Simoncelli himself had shown in Sepang to the television cameras the direction of your page ( shortly before being given the starting signal of the race he lost his life.

Was five months ago when the couple decided to take the step of moving in together. They chose to settle in Riccione, the town where they met. "They wanted to start a family," says her father. The same Tuesday when Kate arrived in Italy from Malaysia with the corpse of Marco Simoncelli, threw courage and went to see the house she and the pilot shared since last May, in the short time he's sporting obligations it had allowed.

And there, Kate confessed to having tried to contact the spirit of motoclista. "I tried to tell him that he had told me we'd be together forever, and yet be wrong. I tried to tell him, and I thought maybe I was going like in the movie Ghost", claimed in The Matrix, recalling the film in which the ghost of Patrick Swayze manages to plant a kiss to his grieving widow, Demi Moore.

"Everyone says I'm young, but I'm lucky: I have 60 years still to go before meeting him, is a long time," he added. "Forgetting is impossible. I can only live with this pain. At first I thought it would not be able to. Now I am convinced it is."

But for now, Kate who will not hold for shelter when you see a horror movie. "I'm not afraid to run on a motorcycle," had said on one occasion Marco Simoncelli. "What scares me are the horror movies that are so fond of my girlfriend."

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